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- Étape 2 : Saisir l'URL de la page de détail des APPs de Google Play et les temps de défilement (combien de fois voulez-vous cliquer sur le bouton Charger plus).
- Étape 3 : Cliquer sur Exécuter et puis sélectionner le mode d'exécution préféré
Aperçu de données
App_Name | Company_Name | Page_URL | Name | Time | Star_rating | Helpful | Comments |
Target | Target Corporation | | J.D. | May 25, 2022 | 4 | 15 | The app is great, except the manage Red Card section is broken, and keeps locking up. It's disappointing that they don't fix this so people can reliable check their balance for their store card. Besides that, it's the best app I've used for shopping at stores. You can scan items, find what's in stock, and it makes checking out effortless, you just scan your in-app barcode, and select pay with wallet, and you get a receipt. A perfect example of the ideal store app. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Tonya Baird | May 26, 2022 | 2 | 12 | Pros: I love being able to do Target Pick-up. It's a lifesaver when you have multiple littles! Cons: It is beyond frustrating when it says the item is in stock and two hours later you get the message that your order is ready, but the main item you needed and did the entire order for, is actually out of stock. It happens WAY too often. I wish they would get it together on having accurate information on stocked items. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Anna Full | April 30, 2022 | 1 | 61 | I'm super frustrated by the app it's been on my phone for almost 3 years with no issue and now I can't get past a screen that can't find any stores anywhere. It's a super fun app. I'm over the app, nothing is fixing it. It's also worth noting a couple months ago I did a drive up order the store couldn't find but they still took my money even though my order wasn't in their system. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Angela Schwartz | May 5, 2022 | 1 | 85 | I've been using the app for almost a year with no problems but now suddenly I can't get past a screen asking to find store locations, which should have already been saved to my account. Every time I try to enter a couple of characters for City or zip, I receive a failure notification and the app does nothing. It is now useless. Target fix this issue. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Crazy Dud 33 | May 15, 2022 | 2 | 43 | While I have been using this for years, by necessity, it has always had issues. Occasionally the issues are major. The worst is that, when you tell it to remember your device, it NEVER actually does (not on Android, at least), thus forcing you to get a security email passcode everytime you want to look at your Red card account. Worse still, every once in a while, the passcode email just will not send. It claims it does, but it never actually arrives. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Jean Devine | May 7, 2022 | 1 | 38 | NEGATIVE 5 stars. My purchase history disappeared. The app is saying I have never purchased anything. This is a recent issue. I thought if I updated the app, it would self correct. Nope. Gone. Everything is gone. On top of that, annoyingly, almost every time I open the app, it requires a password. Even if I had the app open, was actively using it, and the screen timed out. |
Target | Target Corporation | | Samantha M | May 5, 2022 | 3 | 51 | Bug! If you click add to cart, click the item to modify the quantity, go back to search, the cart status button goes back to add to cart. Also, changing the order quantity requires way too many taps. Should be able to edit that once it's in your cart or at least without tapping again when changing between drive up and pick up in store. Not user friendly. |
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